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Wonderful and Unknown Jeju Island

This unknown Korean enclave boasts surveys Natural Heritage of Humanity, Global Geopark and Biosphere Reserve awarded by UNESCO.
Wonderful and Unknown Jeju Island
One of the Oreum in the Island
The planet Earth hides many wonderful places in which s human hand has barely left its mark. In our usual tour of the highlights of the blogosphere, proposing today to visit one of these beautiful places, Jeju Island, from the hand of the blog "Photiza" .

This small volcanic island, located south of the Korean Peninsula and belonging to South Korea is considered one of the world's greatest natural paradises, taking into possession the "triple crown" of Unesco, having been declared Natural Heritage Humanity Global Geopark and Biosphere Reserve.

In addition, in 2011 the island of Jeju was chosen as one of the new seven natural wonders of the world, known as enclaves with com or Amazon or Iguazu Falls.

Jeju's landscape is dominated by hundreds of craters known as "oreum" result of volcanic eruptions that formed the island. Its highest peak is Mount Halla, which reaches 1,950 meters above sea level.

Besides having beautiful beaches with crystal clear waters and breathtaking cliffs, the island abounds in volcanic pipes, some of which have been open to the public and ensure a visit full of spectacular images.

Mount Sanbang on the southwest coast, surrounded by legends and Buddhist temples, is another of the must. Besides these natural charms, the island offers other attractions such as the iconic stone statues Hareubang Dol, recognizable by their mushroom, Loveland Park, dedicated to the erotic sculpture or a museum dedicated to teddy bears.

With these incentives, it is only a matter of time that Jeju will become a global tourist attraction.

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